
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ready to go!

Blogging has taken second fiddle to writing newsletters, and working on fund-raising in the past couple of months.  Neither Heleen or I are very good fundraisers, and so we have been amazed at the way support has poured in from various unlikely sources, as well as so many of our loving relatives and friends…And so tonight, we can give you the good news that we are the grateful recipients of a phone call from a stranger, who assured us that he would take care of whatever unmet needs we have in our fundraising when we go into service.  For that reason, we are rejoicing in each one of you, and for those whose contribution is prayer.  We are supremely grateful. March 13 we will be leaving for the Netherlands, and on March 21 we will be travelling on to Sierra Leone!

We have spent time in saying goodbyes, at different times and locations over the past 2 ½ months. This past weekend, son Stephen and his wife Amy came over from Mississippi, and so we spent some quality time together with them, and Robert and Michelle, and David and Amber, as well as the 3 charming grandsons.

It is hard to leave family especially, at a time where so many changes are taking place, but it is downright difficult to leave grandsons who tear your hearts into little pieces with their idolizing of “Papa and Omie”.  Heleen put together a very nice book for the grandchildren, which we gave them on Sunday.  In it, she has included some pictures from the past couple of years of their interactions with us, and also a bit of reminders of their grandparents, and a simple explanation of what we will be doing in Sierra Leone.

   We introduce in there the ‘Gecko’, a stuffed green creation of Heleen, who will accompany us to Africa, and will be used in story telling for the grandchildren.  And he may try to sneak into some of the pictures that we send back, we don’t know for sure, but they will have to search the pictures really hard just to make sure that he is not in them…We wanted to give him a name, but so far he is just ‘Gecko’.  Perhaps he will get an African name.

Cute, isn't he?
So this week, is packing, packing, and  more packing.  We are packing suitcases, three apiece, and then packing up things in the house that will be out of sight or so when we have renters here for two years.  

Our church had a commissioning in the morning worship service, so able put together by Pastor Carl Martin.  We were asked to come forward and he read the first part as we stood in front of the congregation.   He read these words, which were so meaningful to us:

We read in the book of Acts that the Holy Spirit set apart Saul and Barnabas for the work of mission, and the church at Antioch, after fasting and praying,
   laid hands on them and sent them out.
The early church gladly sent members to other people groups, to assist those who were already of the household of faith, and those who did not yet believe in Christ.

Today we relive this practice of the early church as we join together, in sending Jon and Heleen to serve the needs of Sierra Leone. 
The prayers we offer are an expression of the ties that bind us together in common purpose even as miles may separate us in the days ahead.

Then we knelt and Carl prayed this prayer…

As our Lord Jesus Christ stretched out His arms of love on the wooden cross,
   So that everyone might come within the reach of His saving embrace.
We charge you both, that with His Holy Spirit,
Your hands, reaching out in mercy, may bring healing and comfort to those hurting and abandoned.
And your lives, reaching out in love, may bring life to those who do not know our Lord and Savior,
This is our commission and prayer for you, Jon and Heleen, to the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father.  Amen

Then each elder prayed and blessed us with their heartfelt words, and then the concluding prayer

We bless you, O God, and we give you all the praise and glory.
     We ask you to bless these your faithful witnesses.
           Fill their lives with the power of the Holy Spirit.
 We send them forth as you messengers of salvation and peace,
        Marked with hearts of servants, and anchored in your mercy and love.
This is our prayer, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.     

Our eyes seemed to be having a lot of drainage for some reason during this most meaningful time.  But our hearts were invigorated for the work, and the blessing of church support is so important.  We are vessels to be used in whatever way He desires. And we trust Him.

For those who have not received our March newsletter, you can download it here: Yoder Chronicles March 2017. If you want to receive our newsletter directly to your e-mail Inbox, please send a note to our Missionary Support team:                       


  1. I'm awestruck by the way God orchestrates the completion of your monetary needs thru the incredible generosity of a stranger!! May God richly bless their benevolence! Thank you for posting the beautiful prayers & Scripture readings from your commissioning service! It's an awesome privilege to come along side both of you in support, love & prayer! Love & prayers, Tim & Marian Stutzman

  2. What a wonderful prayer to have said over you. I'm not much for reciting written prayers, but this one is worth saving.
